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[Gold rush]SIM CARD businesses are surging in Japan | Japan

In Japan,Mobile phone cost is very high and there was no answer to solve the problem.But the market  is changing at high speed.

There are 3 Big mobile company in this country.


●au (It's only brand name.The company is KDDI.)


Almost everyone are using Big 3's mobile phone line and pay costs.I am also using KDDI.Yes,I recognize good services quality,But it's a little expensive for us.

For example "freebit" opened a new shop in FUKUOKA city.The shop treat "2000yen/per month phone".That business style is quite simple and easy to understand for every customer.

Many companies have already started business here.I think you have also many chances in "100 million" populated country.

freebit mobile:

*It's written by Japanese.